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Charedi school pulled up by Ofsted for 'lax' safeguarding

Mechinoh in Salford downgraded from 'requires improvement' to 'inadequate'

August 3, 2022 09:34
1 min read

A small Charedi boys secondary school in Salford has been downgraded after inspectors said its approach to safeguarding was lax.

Mechinoh was rated inadequate after its latest examination, a grade lower than “requires improvement” three years ago.

Its 60 boys felt safe and that they could talk to staff if they had worries, Ofsted reported.

“However, leaders do not ensure that pupils are kept safe. This is because leaders’ approach to safeguarding is lax. Some staff are not suitably trained and leaders pay too little attention to ensuring that risk assessments are completed to safeguard pupils’ health, safety and welfare.”