Family & Education

Award for JFS's kind cook

Sophie Kiersz-Brownstone has helped prepare meals for NHS staff and the homeless

November 11, 2021 09:49
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1 min read

Year-11 JFS student Sophie Kiersz-Brownstone has received Project ImpAct’s kindness award for 2021 for her efforts in preparing meals for the homeless and NHS staff.

She joined the Jewish youth volunteering group two years ago which, when the pandemic broke out, moved its activities online.

Sophie, said her mother Alison, “is and has always been a very caring person who would be the first to offer help to anyone whether it be delivering shopping to them, calling/WhatsApping to see if the person is ok and she’s even has been on the shul’s kiddish rota since she was nine years old.

“So, when she was able to then get involved with Project ImpACT, it just seemed like the natural progression to then help the wider community with two things that she loved – caring and cooking.”

Community and celebrity chefs have guided the young volunteers and Sophie’s repertoire has run from vegetable noodle stir fries to Maltesers cheese cake.

“She very much looks forward to the year ahead cooking with Project ImpACT, which has just restarted this past week in person,” her mother said, “and then all being well will go down the route of going to a catering school.”

JFS joint interim headteacher Paul Ramsey said she had “truly brought light and honour to the school. I was pleased to be able to award her one of our first heeadteacher’s commendations.”