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Artist Alexander Newley: 'Art has given me everything'

What was it like, growing up as the son of two huge stars, Joan Collins and Anthony Newley? Michelle Doughty met artist Alexander Newley to find out

November 29, 2017 14:38
4 min read

A few days after my interview with Alexander Newley, about his memoir Unaccompanied Minor, a media storm blows up, when the Sunday Times reports that he has called his late father, the actor and singer Anthony Newley, a paedophile. The paper adds that the book “paints a miserable picture — of his mismatched narcissistic and neglectful parents, a bullying nanny… and every childhood agony.”

I’m startled (and so is Newley’s mother, the film star Joan Collins, who denies the claims) because Newley had discussed his father with me at length without making any such claim. I call him. He dismisses the ST story as “rubbish. I never said that. I was talking to the journalist about my father’s film Heironymous, which was a very sexually liberated film, shocking for its time. He asked me outright, was my father a paedophile? I said absolutely not. How that got twisted I do not know, but, hey.” I can almost see the shrug of his shoulders.

At 52, Alexander Newley is a successful painter and portraitist, his art in demand from collectors and museums including the V&A and the Smithsonian.

Over coffee in a café in Pimlico, he comes over as charming and intelligent.