Family & Education

Another Chasidic school marked down by Ofsted for avoiding LGBT issues

Independent girls' primary in Manchester did not teach about 'different kinds of families'

March 6, 2019 09:27
1 min read

Another Chasidic school has been marked down by Ofsted because it does not discuss LGBT issues with pupils.

Beis Ruchel Girls’ School, an independent primary in Manchester, did not teach about “different kinds of families and gender issues,” leaving them unaware of  “some of the characteristics of people in modern Britain”.

Although the school was committed to teaching respect and tolerance for all people, its diversity policy excluded some of the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act.

Protected characteristics include same-sex orientation and gender reassignment, which Charedi rabbis have insisted should not be brought up in the classroom.

The school, branded inadequate two years ago, did better this time by only being rated as “requires improvement”.

Ofsted said the new early years’ leader was improving provision for the youngest children.

But teaching was not effective enough across all classes.

The curriculum “prepares pupils well for life in their own community, but less well for life in the wider world,” Ofsted said. One reason for this was unfamiliarity with technology.

Meanwhile, Jewish educators are still analysing the guidelines on the new relationships and sex education published by the Department for Education last week.

While some Charedi groups believe their schools will not be compelled to introduce LGBT content by the new curriculum, others are less sure.