Inspectors said the policy of Beis Malka in Salford limits pupils' 'readiness for life beyond school'
July 15, 2022 08:16A Chasidic girls school in Salford judged to provide a good quality of education has been downgraded because pupils are not taught about LGBT awareness.
The independent Beis Malka, run by Belz Chasidim, which takes girls from three to 16, dropped a grade from “good” to a school that “requires improvement” after its latest Ofsted visit.
The school, which offers GCSE courses in a number of subjects, was rated good for its quality of education.
While pupils spoke little English when they started, they “quickly develop strong speaking and listening skills in English, alongside their home language”.
The curriculum was described as “ambitious and interesting”.
But while they learned the importance of tolerance and respect for other people, “however, pupils do not learn everything that they need to know about the protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010," Ofsted said. "This limits their readiness for life beyond school.”
Protected characteristics include same-sex orientation and gender reassignment.
Parents had been consulted over relationships and sex education and a programme had been designed that “covers sensitive aspects in ways that are appropriate. Parents have told leaders that they do not want their children to receive sex education in school.”
Ofsted said improvements in careers education had been too recent to have had an impact and found that in a minority of subjects, leaders lacked a clear understanding of their impact on pupils over time.
But the report again illustrates the general problem with the inspectorate encountered by many Charedi schools because they do not wish to teach about LGBT identity, arguing that it goes against their religious ethos and issues to do with sexuality are a matter for the home.
Meanwhile, campaigners from Stamford Hill are planning to picket the House of Lords on Friday afternoon in protest against plans to regulate yeshivot. The measures are part of the Schools Bill currently under consideration by peers.