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Family & Education

Why we pray for the Queen

The Prayer for the Royal Family can help children understand something of our history

June 1, 2022 16:07
wohl ilford
3 min read

As the country prepares for this week’s Jubilee celebration, commemorating Her Majesty’s platinum accession to the throne, it is apposite to reflect on the tradition of reciting the Prayer for the Royal Family on Shabbat morning.

With British values a feature of the school curriculum for the past few years, this prayer can be used as a hook for students to learn about the monarchy, its role and its importance in our place within British society and to address the interconnection between British/Jewish history, liturgy and Torah.

While the version we are familiar with may be a few centuries old, its origins lie in the Bible.

In the book of Jeremiah in chapter 29, verse 7, we are told: “And find the protection in the city where you have been exiled to and pray to God on its behalf; for in its prosperity you shall succeed.” We are instructed to give a prayer of thanks and acknowledgement for the welfare of the ruling party, government or monarch.