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Lubavitch out of the woods

Financial warning notice against Lubavitch Multi-Academy Trust has been lifted

February 14, 2023 15:44
Judith Nemeth
1 min read

The Lubavitch Multi-Academy Trust has turned around its finances, resulting in the lifting of a warning notice that was issued three years ago by the government agency that funds academies.

A letter sent by the Education and Skills Funding Agency thanked Hadassah Korer, the chairman of the MAT’s trustees, “for your contribution in ensuring the trust has reached this position”.

The trust, which runs three schools in Stamford Hill, had been ordered in January 2020 to make improvements including achieving a surplus from 2021 and producing a three-year financial plan.

A follow-up letter in 2021 warned of the risk of insolvency unless outstanding matters were addressed.