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A medical note to Santa Claus

Why was a small Susan Reuben writing to Santa? And what was that note paper advertising?

December 13, 2018 14:42
A Sindy doll -  top of Susan's wishlist
3 min read

We were visiting my parents for tea a while ago, when I heard my husband, Anthony, laughing immoderately from another room. I found him looking through a file of souvenirs from when I was small. It consisted of a mixture of highly questionable artwork, programmes of concerts I’d played in, appalling poetry, and all the other creative output a doting parent might collect, to encapsulate those fleeting childhood years.

The thing that was making Anthony laugh was a letter I’d written to Father Christmas when I was five. (Why a little girl from a nice Jewish family was writing to Father Christmas at all can be blamed on my Christian primary school. My education has also left me with an enduring love of Christmas carols and the words of the Lord’s Prayer carved into my brain.)

The list, which was written in 1979, included a request for a “Cindy doll” (sic) along with “all the clothes and all the furniture” to accompany her. I never would have asked my parents for such an immoderate gift, but given that Santa had magical powers, I felt it was definitely worth a punt. The paper the letter is written on is blackened with soot because it had been sent up our chimney (that being the only way to communicate with Santa Claus, obviously) and my parents had secretly retrieved it from the garden.

But the source of Anthony’s amusement was the printed heading on the paper. Emblazoned across the top were the words: “ANUSOL: soothes painful piles and anal irritation.”