The cross-communal primary continues to be ranked as a good school
May 10, 2024 12:30Eden Primary in Muswell Hill has retained its status as a good school after its first post-Covid inspection.
Pupils at the cross-communal primary, which was originally graded good in 2013, demonstrated “maturity and kindness” and were “very polite, conscientious and inquisitive”, the visiting inspector reported.
“They are excited by what they are learning.”
Pupils were encouraged to act responsibility, be creative and respect others, while leaders set high academic expectations.
“Pupils regularly discuss their ideas and share their thoughts in class sensibly and articulately,” Ofsted said. “One parent or carer, typical of many, said: ‘There is a lovely community of teachers, parents and pupils. The school instils a love of learning in its pupils.’”
Teachers had a “secure understanding” of what they taught, although in a few subjects the core knowledge pupils needed to remember had not been outlined in as much detail as it could, Ofsted said.
Headteacher Helen Graff said Eden was “absolutely delighted” with the outcome. In the feeback meeting, the inspector had praised “many aspects of which we are incredibly proud: our children's excellent behaviour, attitudes and relationships, strongly led by our Eden values of excellence, responsibility, respect, community and creativity; the strength of our academic curriculum, teaching and learning leading to strong outcomes for pupils of all abilities; inclusion and provision for special educational needs, wide ranging opportunities such as clubs, trips and residential visits, and above all the love of learning that shines through in everything our children do.”
She said it had been “a brilliant year for us — and for me in my first year as headteacher”.
Earlier in the year, the school was rated outstanding for Jewish studies by Pikuach.