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40,000 pupils predicted to attend Jewish schools by 2025

New report highlights increasing popularity of faith schools

September 5, 2023 16:55
JC JCOS Photo John Rifkin 13366
2 min read

The number of Jewish children attending Jewish faith schools in the UK is set to reach 40,000 by 2025 - nearly eight times higher than enrolment 70 years ago.

There were 35,800 Jewish children registered in such schools in Britain in the academic year of 2020-21, according to a new report published by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR)

That number looks likely to continue to rise, propelled by the growth of the Charedi population.

In the 1950s, just 5,200 British-Jewish children went to Jewish schools, but that number had climbed to 16,700 by the mid-1990s, despite a decline in the UK Jewish population. That growth was swelled by government support for faith schooling,