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The Jewish Chronicle

Durban II: a sick, cynical farce

How can a UN ‘human rights’ conference vilify Israel while not mentionaing Iran, Islamic terror or genocide in the Sudan?

December 30, 2008 16:36

ByMelanie Phillips, Melanie Phillips

3 min read

A few days before 9/11, the UN hosted an appalling explosion of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel hatred at an obscenely named “human rights” conference in Durban, South Africa.

While the worst of these gross libels and Nazi-style caricatures were expressed by the NGOs attending the conference, the official governmental declaration also made its underlying anti-Israel agenda clear.

Cursory references to antisemitism and never forgetting the Holocaust were tossed in as a trade-off for singling out the “racism” of Israel, which was responsible for “the plight of the Palestinian people under foreign occupation”. There was no mention of the gross Jew-hatred and mass murder of Israelis by the Palestinians. Instead, an equivalence was drawn between antisemitism and Islamophobia. But equating a prejudice based on irrational hatred with a defence against that hatred effectively denies the true prejudice of antisemitism while sanitising and validating those who perpetrate it.

Next April, there is to be a re-run of this hate-fest at another UN conference, to review progress in implementing Durban I. Accordingly, despite its being held in Geneva, this is being referred to as “Durban II”. This too is shaping up to be a vicious and racist onslaught against the human rights of the Jewish people. Its draft declaration singles out Israel for vilification. It accuses it of committing “apartheid”, a “crime against humanity” and “a form of genocide”.