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The Jewish Chronicle

Do your feet hold the key to healing?

July 28, 2011 11:27
Metamorphic practitioner Audrey Pasternak  claims to have cured everything from dyslexia to obesity

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

2 min read

An elegant grandmother with coiffed hair and pearls is stroking my feet. She is a therapist giving me a treatment called the metamorphic technique. Its devotees claim it leads to transformations in their lives - and fast.

Although it it has been around since the '60s it is now enjoying a burst of popularity, particularly among London's fashionable Primrose Hill set. Indeed, many hot film and fashion folk are now putting their feet into the hands of the aforementioned therapist, Audrey Pasternak, Europe's leading metamorphic practitioner.

The metamorphic technique is facilitated by the therapist working on the client's feet, hands and head. Pasternak claims spectacular results with everything from dyslexia to relationship problems.

"I've seen people lose weight, stop smoking and babies move from the breech position," claims Pasternak, who has practised for 20 years and pioneered the technique in the UK. "It's particularly good for pregnant women," she says.