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We need to replace toxic hatred with hope for humanity

The war in the Middle East is fuelling division and polarisation on the streets of Britain

October 9, 2024 17:07
Copy Of Nisa-Nashim event to mark the one-year anniversary of October 7 PhotobyYakirZur9552.jpg
Muslim and Jewish participants at the Nisa-Nashim event light a candle to mark the first anniversary of October 7 (Photo: Yakir Zur)

We are two British women with a shared commitment to reducing hatred and building a safer world for our children and grandchildren. We want a Britain where they can thrive in society without any trepidation about living their faith identity openly and with pride.

Right now, we are deeply concerned for the future of civil society given the flow of unprecedented toxic hatred terrifying and polarising everyone in its path. The war in the Middle East is fuelling hatred and extremist views which thrive on division and conflict.
Whilst both London based, professional and politically aware, we are embedded in our own communities, bringing up our families to value their specific, unique culture and historical traditions. And, although we are of a similar age, we are from completely different racial and religious backgrounds. One of us is Muslim with a Sudanese/Jamaican heritage and one is Jewish – Ashkenazi, four generations from the shtetl.

This Sunday, on the eve of the first anniversary of October 7, and with other like-minded women, we gathered together in central London, in the welcoming space of an iconic church hall, to reflect, to mourn, to connect and to share our uncompromising rejection of hatred.

Whilst the “pro-Palestinian” and “pro-Israeli” factions held large and separate marches and rallies, we instead held the centre ground, standing in silence around the light from a single shared candle. We read poems, shared our fears for the future, and prayed for a peaceful resolution for both Israelis and Palestinians.