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‘Israelis stop and thank us for campaigning for the hostages’

The Board of Deputies has been holding a weekly vigil opposite Downing Street for over a year

February 6, 2025 10:35
hostage vigil 29.1.25.jpg
A weekly vigil for the hostages opposite Downing Street, organised by the Board of Deputies (Photo: Amanda Rose/@amandarosephoto)

It is a freezing Wednesday lunchtime in January, and I am standing opposite Downing Street. In my hand is a plastic bag filled with posters featuring the images and names of every hostage held captive in Gaza.

I am not on my own for long. Soon, I am joined by a steady stream of volunteers, who have made the choice to give up their time to stand silently at Westminster for two hours.

The group is diverse. Some are Jews, some are not. There are English people, while others are from Israel and Europe.

Some come just the once, others attend so regularly that I know their names and faces well. We have become a family of sorts. In my case this is literally true. My parents and my grandparents have come to show their support. We are all completely committed to this cause.