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The Schmooze

A cup of tea in a cemetery can bring much cheer

The United Synagogue have created a great place to invite guests after a stone-setting or a funeral

March 19, 2025 12:42
The visitors' centre at Bushey Old Cemetery (photo: United Synagogue)
3 min read

I have to admit that I did not buy my house 30 years ago with any thought at all about its proximity – or, crucially, lack of proximity – to Bushey Jewish Cemetery. I was just married, young and carefree, and it never occurred to me that 30 years later, I would be full of anxiety about the very real problem of where to host our guests after my father’s stone-setting.

But time moves on, and here we were, worrying about venues. My sister lives in Israel, so her flat was out. Should we ask people to drive 40 minutes from Hertfordshire to north-east London for a cup of tea at my house? Or do we go for my brother’s house –  just 30 minutes away from the grounds? And if we did, just who was going to pick up the food from some kosher outlet in north-west London –  where none of us live –  deliver it to his house, then get to the cemetery all before 10am on a Sunday morning?

We’d had the same issue two years earlier for Mum, but then it was obvious – we did the schlepping back and forth, so that Dad could host the after-setting in his own chair and his own home. A kind friend picked up the food at 7am, and we all drove and drove and drove to be there on time. It was good to remember Mum in her own home, and Dad was cheered by being able to invite all the neighbours. 

But this was different. Surely we could find somewhere more local to Bushey, to host our friends and family? Another kind friend – we are very blessed – offered their house, just minutes from the grounds. But we needed wheelchair access, and she has a narrow porch and a steep drive. We thought about hotels and pubs, but could we bring in kosher food?