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The Chief Rabbi: ‘I rate synagogues according to how comfortable women feel in them’

Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis was speaking at the induction of Rabbi Eli and Rebbetzin Lauren Levin at South Hampstead Synagogue

March 5, 2025 16:17
Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis (Photo: Getty)
1 min read

The Chief Rabbi has revealed that he has a “ratings” system for synagogues, which is dependent on how comfortable the women in the community feel in them.

Addressing the congregation at the induction ceremony for Rabbi Eli Levin and Rebbetzin Lauren Levin at South Hampstead Synagogue, Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis said: “Being Chief Rabbi, I have the privilege and the enormous joy of visiting numerous, numerous shuls right around the country, and I have a personal system of ratings of shuls.

“For me, the most important element of a great shul is how comfortable the women feel sitting within it.”

He added that when communities belonging or affiliated to the United Synagogue were planning a new building, he would send their leaders to South Hampstead Synagogue, where the men and women’s sections are side by side, on the same level. They are separated by a mechitzah with a wooden base and a Perspex upper section, which can be lowered during sermons.