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New Israel Fund enjoys record-breaking meal

November 10, 2017 13:09
1 min read

The New Israel Fund’s annual human rights dinner in London was record-breaking in all senses with a turnout of 500 and proceeds of £500,000, the latter a rise of 33 per cent on the 2016 event.

Journalist Jonathan Freedland hosted the dinner, where awards were presented to two organisations promoting democracy and equality in Israel.

Yesh Din was honoured for its work within the Israeli legal system to defend human rights in the occupied territories. Morashtenu was recognised for promoting progressive values within the Russian-speaking community in Israel.

Accepting the award on behalf of Yesh Din, executive director Lior Amihai said: “I want my son to grow up in a country he can love as much as I do, one that respects human rights.”