
Mitzvah Day: Volunteers serve soup to the needy in central London

Indian Jewish Association joins forces with Sikh charity

November 17, 2019 10:50
1 min read

Members of the Indian Jewish Association volunteered at the Nishkam SWAT soup kitchen in The Strand in central London, supporting the Sikh social action charity.

SWAT teams feed some 250 people in the area five nights a week and organiser Anu Panesar said: "It was uplifting to do this volunteering with the Indian and Jewish communities joining forces for Mitzvah Day. It was particularly poignant that we did this on the 500th anniversary of the birth of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism."

IJA co-chair Zaki Cooper said: "Interfaith is best done when we join forces to tackle a social problem. The values exemplified by Nishkam SWAT to look after those in need can be found not only in Sikhism but Judaism and the other great religions."