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Mitzvah Day director to become Ort UK CEO

Dan Rickman takes on new communal challenge

November 5, 2018 11:15
Dan Rickman with Mitzvah Day founder Laura Marks
1 min read

Mitzvah Day executive director Dan Rickman will be moving on after its tenth anniversary programme to become Ort UK’s executive director.

“I was blown away by Ort’s incredible work across the world, making an impact through education,” Mr Rickman said. “A fundamental part of my Jewish identity is the responsibility to give back and improve the world and Ort’s work is a shining example of how to do that in a meaningful way.”

He would look back on “an amazing three years at Mitzvah Day” and would continue to support its activities. “Each November I will wear my green T-shirt and lead volunteer projects.”

Ort UK chair Simon Alberga said Mr Rickman’s “experience with Mitzvah Day and other Jewish communal organisations [he was also head of fundraising at Magen David Adom], will be invaluable. I am confident he will lead our continued growth and development.”