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Mazel Tov Fiszel on your (third) bar mitzvah!

Fiszel’s first bar mitzvah took place in a Russian gulag

February 2, 2024 10:43
Fiszel Sztokman Third Bar Mitzvah (Photo: David Stockman)
Fiszel Sztokman (Photo: David Stockman)

ByDaniel Ben-David, Daniel Ben-David

2 min read

A man, whose first bar mitzvah was hastily carried out inside a Russian gulag while fleeing the Nazis, last weekend celebrated his third bar mitzvah at the age of 96.

Fiszel Sztokman was born in Bilgoraj, southeast Poland, where his parents had a haberdashery shop.

Shortly after the war commenced, their shtetl, home and shop were bombed in quick succession. Fiszel, his parents, Yosef and Frimet, and his older sister, Sara, were forced to leave with just the clothes on their back and roam the countryside, pleading for food and shelter in neighbouring towns.

At one point during this nomadic journey, Fiszel recalls a German Luftwaffe spotted them and began its descent towards them while opening fire. His father hurriedly beckoned the family into the long grass and instructed them to lie flat and say “Shema Yisrael”, in what looked likely to be their final prayer.