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Kisharon Langdon volunteers provide a warm welcome at the library

A partnership between the charity and the community hub benefits both

February 2, 2024 17:13
Talya, a Kisharon volunteer, putting together warm packs, with her support worker Naomi Arodu, for Childs Hill Library, which works in partnership with Kisharon Langdon (Photo: Kisharon Langdon)
Talya, a Kisharon volunteer, putting together warm packs, with her support worker Naomi Arodu, for Childs Hill Library, which works in partnership with Kisharon Langdon (Photo: Kisharon Langdon)

ByGaby Wine, Gaby Wine

2 min read

An innovative partnership between Kisharon Langdon and a library in north-west London is reaping benefits for library users as well as people with learning disabilities and autistic people.

Running throughout the winter, the partnership enables a number of volunteers from Kisharon Langdon charity to create what has become known as a ”warm hub” at the Child’s Hill Library by serving soup and hot drinks. They also put together and and give out “warm packs”, which consist of a hat, gloves, a scarf, woolly socks, a jumper and a blanket for people in need.

Aviva Braunold, Kisharon Langdon development and learning lead, said that the project, supported by a Barnet Innovation Community Fund grant, enhanced the volunteers’ skills, telling the JC: “It really helps with IT skills since the volunteers have to use email and learn how to go online. Using a spreadsheet develops numeracy and literacy skills, as does doing price comparisons in shops and online when they need to restock the refreshments.”

Braunold said that the volunteers used specially adapted spreadsheets with images of items of clothing to make them more user-friendly.