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Jump leads the way to job market in Ort scheme

Pupils benefit from mentoring programme

July 23, 2018 09:56
ORT-JUMP Graduates 2018
1 min read

The value of mentoring and the challenges ahead for today’s teenagers were highlighted by Luciana Berger when the MP addressed the graduation ceremony of Ort UK’s Jump programme.

Year 12 students from 10 London schools have participated in the scheme, through which mentors from a range of industries offer careers guidance.

More than 250 people attended the ceremony at JW3 in Finchley Road, where Ms Berger said the mentoring experience was “enriching” for those both giving and receiving the advice.

She also told the students: “You’re going to have the challenges of clearing up the messes left by previous generations — of fixing the planet and ending the injustices that scar our societies. You’ll be smashing the glass ceilings that today still hold women back in some professions. I don’t think there’s any sign of the snowflake generation in here. You really are going to be the generation of steel.”