
Golf club's memorial tribute to Holocaust survivor

May 10, 2017 10:21
Martin Bennett.jpg
1 min read

A memorial bridge has been opened at Coombe Hill Golf Club for Holocaust survovor Martin Bennett, who died in January 2016.

In the presence of Mr Bennett's wife, Priscilla, other family and more than 150 Coombe Hill members, club chairman David Kershaw said:  “Coombe Hill has had many illustrious and characterful members but none as worthy of celebration as Martin". 


Adding his tribute, Kingston Synagogue's Rabbi Samuel Landau said: “Martin was a man who taught us how to live life, to cross life's bridges, despite the impossible drop on each side, and to do so with a joyous smile."

It was only in later life that Mr Bennett began to talk about his wartime experiences. He dedicated his latter years to Holocaust education.

Holocaust Educational Trust chief executive Karen Pollock said: "Martin felt passionately that his experiences should serve a purpose - that young people should know what happened to him, his family and six million men, women and children who never had a voice. Even in old age and failing health he refused to stand silent”.