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‘Get yourself tested for your cancer risk’ urges Vanessa Feltz

The media star was speaking in Manchester

January 16, 2025 14:12
Vanessa Feltz (centre) at the one-year anniversary of the launch of the NHS Jewish BRCA Testing Programme with Louise Hager, chair of Chai Cancer Care and Anthony Angel, chai
Vanessa Feltz (centre) at the one-year anniversary of the launch of the NHS Jewish BRCA Testing Programme with Louise Hager MBE, chair of Chai Cancer Care and Anthony Angel, chair of Jnetics, the two charities which are working with the NHS to raise awareness of the groundbreaking programme (Photo: Aaron Parfitt)
4 min read

It has been over 30 years since Vanessa Feltz lost her 57-year-old mother, Valerie, to endometrial cancer.

Yet, despite the passing of time, the television presenter remains bereft at both the pointlessness and magnitude of her loss.

“It was agony for the family. Mum was so young and so loved. Yet, her symptoms were dismissed – she was mixed up in what I call misogynistic medicine, seen by doctors who thought it was her age, that she might be neurotic, spoilt or a hypochondriac, when she was the absolute opposite. We didn`t even have paracetamol in the house.”

Feltz added: “Mum was a golfer. She was tough, hardy; she was such a sophisticated, interesting person with a degree in history from LSE. She was clever, she could cook. She certainly didn’t want to be ill.”