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Four simchahs in one day at Bedfordshire Progressive Synagogue

From baby blessings to an 80th birthday, all generations were celebrated

May 21, 2024 07:24
Bedfordshire Progressive Synagogue - Lynda & Jonathan Silver with baby Freya (Photo: Bedfordshire Progressive Synagogue)
Lynda and Jonathan Silver with baby Freya at Bedfordshire Progressive Synagogue (Photo: Bedfordshire Progressive Synagogue)
1 min read

Bedfordshire Progressive Synagogue was full of joy when four simchas took place on the same Shabbat morning.

The community, also known as Rodef Shalom, which translates as “pursuer of peace”, celebrated two baby blessings, the 80th birthday of synagogue president Geoffrey Ben-Nathan and the golden wedding anniversary of synagogue secretary Hilary Fox and her husband Gerald.
Synagogue chair David Young led the service, as he has done for the last 36 years.

Bedfordshire Progressive Synagogue president Geoffrey Ben-Nathan celebrates his 80th birthday (Photo: Bedfordshire Progressive Synagogue)[Missing Credit]

“This is a big event for our members. It’s one of those memorable occasions that will stay with us for a long time,” said Geoffrey. “I’ve been connected here for more than 50 years, and it’s so important we contribute to Judaism. We have a huge challenge to attract younger people, which is why the baby blessings are wonderful.”

Hilary Fox receiving flowers on the occasion of her and her husband Gerald's golden wedding anniversary at Bedfordshire Progressive Synagogue, where she is synagogue secretary (Photo: Bedfordshire Progressive Synagogue)[Missing Credit]

Lyndsey and Jonathan Silver, with their three-week-old daughter Freya were the first to receive the blessing. Jonathan said: “Although I now live in South London, I was bar mitzvah in Bedford, and I wanted to maintain the link with the community.”

