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Employment charity has a tough job on its hands because of coronavirus

Resource clients are reporting 'contracts that have been abruptly ended, imminent redundancies and other doom and gloom'

April 6, 2020 17:37
Resource_photoA (1)

ByJC Reporter, JC Reporter

1 min read

A communal employment support charity is experiencing rising demand as jobs are lost or threatened because of the coronavirus situation.

Resource reports that one-to-one appointments with its volunteer advisers are carrying on via Zoom. “So far they’re working really well,” said CEO Victoria Sterman. “Much of the meeting centres around reassuring the client and trying to keep up their morale.

“We have also run our first ‘Tools and techniques for today’s job market’ through Zoom. It’s a two-day workshop we’ve adapted to run virtually and it’s proving almost as effective as being in the same room. We even sent delegates into small discussion groups using Zoom’s break-out rooms feature. We will also be offering LinkedIn workshops and developing networking skills.

“We’re additionally starting a weekly virtual drop-in group for clients to keep in contact, get immediate advice and support and, very importantly, to feel part of a network.