
Children in Need awards £107,000 to Manchester charity for specialist support

Money will be used by The Fed to fund a play leader and support worker at its children's centre

November 13, 2019 14:22
1 min read

Ahead of the BBC’s Children in Need appeal on Friday, the charity has awarded a grant of almost £107,000 to Manchester welfare organisation The Fed towards its children's centre.

The grant, covering a three-year period, will fund a play leader to co-ordinate the centre’s activities and a support worker to help children living with disabilities, neglect, abuse or poverty. It will also fund school holiday playschemes.

The Fed's Lucy Edwards said: “Our children’s centre is constantly expanding its services – last year we supported 339 children, a figure which is always increasing.

“We also still have additional fundraising to undertake for our essential staff, the centre's running costs and activities. The grant also won’t cover any of our other community services, including our volunteer network and mental health support groups.

 “Our close alignment with BBC Children in Need and their ongoing support for The Fed constitutes a real expression of trust in the work we are doing.”