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Bushey introduces ‘calm service’ for children with additional needs

The Rosh Hashanah initiative is aimed at children who find crowds and loud noises anxiety inducing

September 20, 2024 12:10
children in school/nursery/children's service (Photo
Bushey Synagogue is running its first "Calm Service" on first day Rosh Hashanah for children with additional needs who find regular services too noisy and crowded (Photo: Getty Images)
1 min read

Bushey United Synagogue is running a “Calm Service” for children with additional needs this Rosh Hashanah.

For children who are sensitive to certain types of sensory input, the thought of going to regular children’s services at the shul, which can be large, noisy and crowded and mean sitting down for long periods of time, can cause high levels of anxiety.

This new initiative was created in response to this and was designed by Beverley Blake, a highly experienced primary school SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) who also has extensive experience running shul children’s services.