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B’nai B’rith UK member crowned a ‘Heritage Hero’

Valerie Bello runs the organisation’s European Days of Jewish Culture and Heritage

March 19, 2025 14:18
Valerie Bello (centre) being presented with her Heritage Hero Award by Laura Carter (left) from Ecclesiastical Insurance, which sponsored the awards and Carole Souter CBE, ch
Valerie Bello (centre) being presented with her Heritage Hero Award by Laura Carter (left) from Ecclesiastical Insurance, which sponsored the awards and Carole Souter CBE, chair of the Heritage Alliance
2 min read

A long-time member of B’nai B’rith UK, who has devoted the past 25 years to promoting Jewish heritage and culture, has been presented with a Heritage Hero Lifetime Award.

Valerie Bello, who is the organisation’s heritage activities coordinator, received her award from the Heritage Alliance at a ceremony in the Tower of London.

Valerie has spent the last quarter of a century coordinating and publicising B’nai B’rith UK’s heritage days, known as European Days of Jewish Culture and Heritage (EDJCH).

She oversees a broad range of activities run by synagogues and Jewish organisations, which hold open days, talks, guided walks, exhibitions and heritage-related events.