
All change at Scotland Anne Frank Trust

November 4, 2015 16:28

ByCathy Forman, Cathy Forman

1 min read

Paula Fraser has taken up a new role as Scotland manager for the Anne Frank Trust.

Ms Fraser, 35, has been working for the trust in Scotland for seven years and previous posts at the charity include as the orgaisation's project officer, and an educator.

"In my new role I’m responsible for planning and developing our core work in schools and alternative provision education units, as well as prisons and community venues throughout Scotland. Our work uses the Anne Frank: A History for Today exhibition and peer education to promote the message of challenging prejudice and discrimination and embracing positive attitudes to a wide audience - with a particular focus on young people.

She replaces Heather Boyce who takes up a national role as the trust's head of education development. Ms Boyce will be "making our current programmes, mainly in secondary schools, as good as they can be and developing and adapting our programmes to suit new audiences such as younger and older age groups. I'm also very lucky to line manage the excellent teams in Scotland, Yorkshire and Humber, the Northeast and Northwest of England."

Ms Fraser's colleague at the trust in Scotland is project officer Katie Allan.