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53 descendants of two families who moved from a shtetl to South Wales reunite on Zoom

Family members from five siblings born in the 1800s called in from America's West Coast to Perth, Australia

August 17, 2020 11:42
Joel Levy and brother Brynn beside family graves at Newport’s Old Jewish Cemetery

ByAleks Phillips, Aleks Phillips

2 min read

A Bushey-based dentist and genealogy enthusiast has brought together 53 descendants of two families who moved from a Polish shtetl to South Wales in the 1820s.

The Zoom gathering instigated by Joel Levy united members of the families of his great-great-great-great-grandparents’ five children for the first time, with participants from as far afield as America’s West Coast and Perth, Australia. The oldest attendee was 94.

“It was actually quite amazing because it was the first time that all of us have seen one another,” he told the JC. “There were South Africans who didn’t know they had South African family. There were people in America who said: ‘Oh my God, we live down the road from one another’.”