It has regularly, and rightly, been pointed out that Iran is the world’s leading sponsor of terror. Many of the Middle East’s worst problems are either directly caused or made far worse by the Iranian regime.
But, as our investigation into the SNP reveals, its operations extend far beyond the Middle East. It is not simply that it operates a network of fake social media and internet sites pushing the SNP’s cause; it is that leading SNP figures, from Nicola Sturgeon down, appear to have what one might charitably call a lack of concern about consorting with figures who are either, in effect, agents of the regime or who are deeply sympathetic to it.
Even the Iranians must be surprised at the ease with which they are able to operate in seeking to influence Scottish politics. It is deeply concerning.
Iran’s strategy has always been to destabilise its enemies, whether by terror or more subtle means. Promoting Scottish independence fits easily within that framework by destabiling the UK and the government in Westminster.