Award Categories are:
Commitment to the Betterment of Others – an individual, aged 16-25, who has given time, selflessly, to make a difference to the lives of those around him/her. This award is to honour those who have, at a young age, taken it upon themselves to improve the lives of those around them. Examples of this commitment could include: fundraising events, working on community based projects and one-to-one mentoring. The common thread is making time to leave a mark on someone else's life.
Presented by KPMG
Education – an individual or organisation responsible for the development of an educational initiative that uses education to facilitate or encourage people to be the best they can be. Nominees may have created initiatives to support those who might otherwise have slipped through the net, or failed to reach their potential. Candidates will have demonstrated a commitment beyond the remit of the curriculum.
Presented by: Dr Naim E Dangoor CBE
Diversity & Tolerance – an individual, community or organisation that has demonstrated exceptional commitment to fostering a culture of diversity and understanding. Potential candidates might include those who have promoted diversity in the workplace, enlightened through multiculturalism, created interfaith/communal opportunities to allow for a better understanding or demonstrated a passion to establish greater tolerance and appreciation of diversity.
Presented by: The Czech Memorial Scrolls Trust
Media Award - an individual, media outlet or group that has shown exceptional coverage of Israel. This award is to recognise outstanding media coverage of Israel whether it be from a cultural, political or any other perspective. The coverage will show the true face of Israel and highlight its valuable contribution.
Presented by: The JC
Commitment to Environmental Innovation – an individual or organisation that has made an outstanding contribution to improving the environment. Examples of nominees in this category may include those who have been involved in initiatives to enhance the world's natural resources or campaigned for environmental issues to improve lives.
Presented by: The Embassy of Israel
Commitment to improving lives through Technology – an individual, company or organisation that has strived to ensure that High-Tech improves lives. Examples of nominees for this award may include individuals or companies that have developed, used or applied High-Tech or made their products available to improve opportunities for individuals or communities; to support learning or research or used High-Tech products to improve quality of life.
Presented by Bank Leumi (UK) plc