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The Jewish Chronicle

Campus notebook - Purim in Spain

February 10, 2011 10:47

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read

Jewish identity in the 21st century was the topic for debate when historian Yaakov Wise, of Manchester University's Centre for Jewish Studies, visited Liverpool.More than 30 students attended Dr Wise's discussion, hosted by Rabbi Shmuli Brown, director of Chabad of Liverpool Universities.

Dr Wise stressed the need for each individual to consciously define his or her Jewish identity, rather than be swept along by their home background or their friends. He explained that, since the beginning of the 19th century and the fall of the ghetto walls, Jews belong to a community by "voluntary association" and not by coercion from the state or the church. Students enjoyed an Israeli-themed buffet during the discussion.

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Firms involved in the scheme last year included Heron, Olswang, Travelex, Northern and Shell and the Civil Service. Successful applicants receive an internship in their preferred industry, with options ranging from investment banking and insurance to property management and education. To apply, visit