Many people who are not in the habit of saying berachot before and after eating during the week will make kiddush and hamotzi on Friday night. Hamotzi, the blessing over bread, actually covers the whole meal; no other food blessings need be said, except on the dessert.
This is based on the principle that when you have two kinds of food together, one is designated as the main food and the blessing said is the one for that food. So, for strawberry yoghurt, you say the blessing for yoghurt and not the one for strawberries. When you eat bread at a meal, this is considered the main food.
But why should a small piece of bread be thought more important than chopped liver, chicken soup or sushi? The Aruch Hashulchan (19th century) answered that just because the wealthy may eat little bread compared to other, finer foods, why should we treat them differently for berachot from the poor for whom bread was their staple?