Rabbi Daniel Levy
We need more Jewish schools rather than just schools for Jews
“The Israelites shall camp with each person near the banner having his paternal family’s insignia” Numbers 2:2
The Chief Rabbi's India initiative is a distraction from local needs
Segregating men and women is not sexist
Religious groups should be allowed to have separate seating for men and women at campus events
Grab the baton of repentance
Why over-eating does not satisfy the rabbis
With obesity a worldwide problem, we look at rabbinic advice on sensible eating
Shemini atzeret
“The convert, orphan and widow, who are in your cities, will come and eat and be satisfied” Deuteronomy 14:29
'Assisted suicide' amounts to a licence to kill
The DPP's guidelines are opposed to Torah values
Ki Tavo
“When you have tithed your produce ... and you shall give them to the Levite, foreigner, orphan and widow so that they will eat to their satisfaction in your cities” Deuteronomy 26:12
“The entire congregation is holy” Numbers 16:3
“I am the Lord who has brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God. So you shall be holy, because I am holy” Leviticus 11:45
Ki Tissa
“This is the statute of the Torah … take a red heifer” Numbers 19:2
“Moses moved Israel on [against their will] from the Red Sea [since they were busy collecting the spoils of Egypt]” Exodus 15:22
“I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold to Egypt” Genesis 45:4
"And may the Almighty give you (repeatedly) from the dew of the skies and the fatness of the earth, an abundance of corn and wine" Genesis 27:28
"Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel" Genesis 4:1
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