What's the meaning of the last of the autumn festivals which is not actually designated in the Bible?
By Rabbi Chaim Weiner
“And all of the people saw the thunder” Exodus 20:15
“And she called his name Reuben” Genesis 29.32
“I am now 120 years old, I can no longer come and go” Deuteronomy 31:2
“Miriam died... and was buried. And the community was without water to drink” Numbers 20:1-2
“The owner of the house shall come and tell the priest, saying, ‘Something like a plague has appeared upon my house’” Leviticus 14:35
“They shall eat the flesh that same night; they shall eat it roasted over the fire, with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs. Do not eat from it raw or in any way cooked in water” Exodus 12:8-9
“Six days you shall labour and do all your work” Exodus 20:9
“And when the time approached for Israel to die, he summoned his son Joseph and said to him, ‘Do me this favour’” Genesis 47:29
"All on Earth had the same language and the same words" Genesis 11:1