John R Bradley
Battle for the future of Hamas is in full flow
The loss of cash from the PA and Qatar marks a fork in the road: will the Gaza outfit turn to Iran or Egypt for help?
Behind the blockade of Qatar is a seismic shift in Arab-Israeli relations
For much of the Arab world, Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood are officially the number one enemy – not Israel
Trump just gave the country that helped forge Isis a big bear-hug
As the home of the fanatical Wahhabi ideology there is no guarantee Saudi Arabia will always behave in the way Trump hopes
For Israel, there’s little black or white about Trump’s Syria strike
The Israeli government had been furious at Mr Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, for failing to endorse precisely such a policy.
Why this picture terrifies Israel
Images of the chemical attack in Idlib, Syria, by the country's government would horrify anyone. But Israel views the atrocity in a wider context, says John R Bradley
Donald, please swot up on your jihadis
During the primaries, Trump confessed that he had absolutely no understanding of either Hamas or Hizbollah
Israel-Daesh clash is tip of iceberg
The Huffington Post's Arabic site is an Islamist hotbed
A stream of hateful, reactionary articles on the newly launched Arabic-language edition of the supposedly liberal Huffington Post says John R Bradley
Iran deal may reignite the peace process
Europe must learn from Israel on Daesh
Saudi cash and the rank hypocrisy of the academic boycotters
Saudi now the anti-jihad keystone
Arabs turn on Qatar over Hamas
Analysis: Like Nasser, Al-Sisi is forgetting that brutality brings blowback
Hate cleric Al-Qaradawi's tirade 'favours' Israel
‘Rebel’ fight against Assad is jihad to set up Islamist state
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