Adam Wagner
January 24, 2019 11:21
How the Holocaust impacted human rights
Out of the carnage of WWII came the Nuremberg trials, the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). It is now up to us to make sure these developments in human rights don't falter, says Adam Wagner
July 06, 2018 12:17
Ofsted's approach to Charedi schools has changed - for good reason
Freedom of religion is not an absolute right, argues Adam Wagner
May 28, 2018 12:34
Stop calling fellow Jews 'traitors' for holding different views
After the controversial Kaddish for the Gaza dead, we must get better at disagreeing when temperatures run high, writes Adam Wagner
December 21, 2017 10:59
Transgender father case shows it is time to face our prejudices
This is just the latest case in which the courts are intervening in religious issues
November 24, 2016 22:50
We should support and not condemn Human Rights Act
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