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The Jewish Chronicle

At our AGM, we're making big decisions about biscuits

September 17, 2009 11:54
2 min read

I’m not going to pretend that our synagogue annual general meetings are the friendly, supportive events that the rabbi hopes for, in vain, each year. However, he ought at least to be relieved that only a tiny fraction of the membership bother to turn up for this ancient and honoured ritual, often referred to as “bashing the lay leadership and taking a barely concealed sideswipe at the spiritual leader while you’re at it”.

I suspect that my shul is similar to yours and that the following portraits of AGM stalwarts will be familiar.

The Keeper of the Book: Always sitting in the front row of every meeting, this is the person who leaps to his feet every time the most obscure procedural detail is not being followed. While the rest of us study Talmud he studies the synagogue constitution and he knows obscure clauses down to the sub-sub-section by heart. As a result, approval of the previous year’s minutes takes approximately two hours. We’ll be hearing from the Keeper of the Book again. And again. And again.

The Founder Member: There appear to be about 300 founder members still active in my shul, which was set up in 1924. Go figure. Anyway, the founder member performs an invaluable function ensuring that we keep sight of the original principles upon which the synagogue was formed. He will not hesitate, for example, to leap to his feet during a discussion about decorating the function room to remind us that while the paint may have been curling away from the plaster for the past 27 years, we mustn’t abandon the original colour of the walls, which he personally chose. What was the original colour? Nobody can remember, but the best guess is that it was the colour one’s face turns when attacked by food poisoning.