Michael and Sharon Ross live in Borehamwood, five minutes' walk from the Yavneh College campus. An observant couple belonging to Elstree's Ohr Yisrael (Federation) Synagogue, they are desperate for their three-year-old daughter Gabriella to get a place at a Jewish primary school, ideally one close to their home.
"All Jewish primary schools seem to give priority to children from their own nursery classes, so it is imperative for us to get Gabriella into a nursery in September," Mr Ross says. "We have applied to eight schools within a radius of about nine miles from our home and have already been turned down by seven of them. We are still waiting to hear from Hertsmere Jewish Primary in Radlett, but we're not hopeful, as there are limited places, if any, for Borehamwood children.
"And it's not just us," he adds. "None of our friends have been offered a place at any Jewish school nursery for 2011. We are desperate for Yavneh to open their planned primary school as there is now a very real chance that our daughter will not get into another school."