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The Jewish Chronicle

Analysis: The grown-ups are back in charge

December 23, 2009 10:31

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer

2 min read

The stage was set for a traumatic split. An arrogant Defence Minister had jeopardised 50 years of partnership between the yeshivahs and the IDF by telling one of the rabbis what he could and couldn’t say. Now they were going to assert their independence and show Ehud Barak that he would not be allowed to push them around.

Fifty seven rabbis entered the conclave on Sunday in an atmosphere of fiery petitions and speeches. Four hours later, they emerged with a surprisingly pragmatic joint statement, opposing political demonstrations within the army and praising its officers and generals.

Even firebrand Rabbi Eliezer Melamed signed up, without demur.

What happened during those four hours of closed debate that took the sting out of the conflict and, for once, allowed the moderate wing to gain the upper hand?