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The Jewish Chronicle

Analysis: The community’s insularity makes these stories more likely

July 30, 2009 15:53

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

2 min read

Only two weeks before law enforcement agents arrested Rabbi Saul Kassin, chief rabbi of the American Syrian community, as part of a massive corruption sweep, another US chief rabbi pleaded guilty to exactly the same charge.

Naftali Tzvi Weisz, Rebbe of the Spinka Chasidic sect, admitted to laundering money by accepting tax-deductible charitable donations and then returning the money to the donors, minus a fee.

The only significant difference between what Rabbi Weisz did and what Rabbi Kassin is alleged to have done is that Rabbi Weisz offered a cheaper service. His fee went no higher than 7.5 per cent, versus an alleged 10 per cent for Rabbi Kassin.

A number of Rabbi Kassin’s defenders have been quick to point out that he is innocent until proven guilty. That is true, although the evidence in federal court documents looks ominous and copious.