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The Jewish Chronicle

Adoption agony

May 22, 2008 23:00

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

The British Library is pushing its Adopt a Book scheme as a “novel” Father’s Day gift. “With 15 June fast approaching,” you can, it declares, “give your Father a gift that will last a lifetime.” Purists who may wince at the capital F in that context had better not read the rest of the press release, which gushes about one Ian Flemming’s centenary and Edmond Hillary’s account of ascending Everest. There are different book adoption options. Of “the person” donating £150, we learn “they” will have a personalised bookplate inserted into “your” chosen book. The library’s “conservators”, the promotion continues, “take care to select materials that will compliment the age and style of the book…” (our itals). Perhaps before readers adopt its books, the BL press office should adopt an editor.