
'Honour the Palestinian martyrs' chanted outside Downing Street

Among the more common rhetoric calling for the liberation of Palestine ‘from the river to the sea’, chanters honoured ‘all the martyrs’ and called for intifada as the only solution

March 14, 2023 15:25
Palestine protest
1 min read

A new chant to “honour the martyrs” was employed on Friday’s “Emergency protest for Palestine” outside Downing Street in London.

A notice for the protest circulated on social media on Thursday. Former NUS president Shaima Dallali, who was reportedly sacked last year following an investigation into antisemitism found significant breaches of NUS policies retweeted information about the event.

One chant shouted by the three or four dozen people present seemed to support the actions of Palestinian militants who have died or been arrested following terror attacks against Israeli civilians.

It said: “When I say power to the martyrs in Jenin, you say power to you,” And, “When I say power to the martyrs in Nablus, you say power to you,”

“When I say power to armed resistance, you say power to you,”

“To all those in prison, we honour you,”

“When I say power to every single martyr in Palestine, you say power to you,”