
Maureen Lipman joins all-star cast for West End outing

The Best Man, a political drama, will be staged at the Playhouse Theatre.

February 5, 2018 14:10
1 min read

Maureen Lipman is to star in the West End premiere of Gore Vidal's drama, The Best Man, which opens later this month. She joins an all-star cast, which also includes Martin Shaw, Glynis Barber and Honeysuckle Weeks.

The play, which is a political drama, will be staged at the Playhouse Theatre. Shaw will play William Russell, a candidate for the US presidency, who is up against a newcomer, played by Lost’s Jeff Fahey.

The Best Man first ran on Broadway in 1960 and was also turned into a film in 1964. The new version - which toured the UK last year - opens on February 24th.